May 29 - 31 2019, Tomsk



27 May


Open lecture

Global challenges and the need for high hume

14:30 — 16:30
Room 210, 31nd building, TSU
Павел Лукша

Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO


Open lecture

17:00 — 19:00
Павел Лукша

28 May


Group project work on the basis of computer simulator Closed session (for TSU employees)

Management of educational ecosystems

10:00 — 18:00
Conference hall, TSU main building
Павел Лукша

Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO;

Petr Tutaev,
head of the team of developers and organizers of events based on computer

29 May


Closed session, confirmed participants only


29 мая — 31 мая

Lecture room of Institute of Distance Learning


Registration of participants


Activities according to the program of the School


Coffee break


Activities according to the program of the School




Activities according to the program of the School


Coffee break


Activities according to the program of the School

30 May 2019

TSU Research Library


Activities according to the program of the Conference

31 May 2019

Closed session, confirmed participants only

Lecture room of Institute of Distance Learning


Activities according to the program of the School




Activities according to the program of the School


Excursions around the university


Final plenary session. Closing of EdCrunch Tomsk 2019

Locations of the conference activities



Place and address


Location of the room in the campus

Научная библиотека ТГУ

(пр. Ленина, 34а)

Big Conference hall

Old building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

Small Conference hall

Old building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Professor's Reading Room

Old building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

Presentation room № 3

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

Presentation room № 7

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

German reading Room

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 3 floor

English reading Room

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 3 floor

Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 3 floor

Study room №1

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, the ground floor

Study room №2

Modern building TSU TSU main building


Coworking space

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 4 floor

The hall of Institute of Confucius

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, coworking space

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, lecture room

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Main building of TSU

(пр. Ленина, 36)

Room 209

TSU main building

Central entrance,

2 floor

Assembly Hall (227 room, 2 floor, main building of TSU)

TSU main building

2 floor (the main ladder)

Conference hall (229   room, 2 floor, main building of TSU)

The left wing of the main building, 2 floor

Учебный корпус № 2 ТГУ

(пр. Ленина, 36)


2 floor, правое крыло, Институт дистанционного образования

Computer class №2 INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ( room 4)
Computer class №1 INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ( room 7)
Room 415

4 floor

Room 318

3 floor, Institute of Art and Culture

Room 129

1 floor

Study building №31 ТSU – Institute of economics and management

(Naberezhnaya reki Ushayki st., 12)

Room 210

2 floor

Main building of TPU

(av. Lenina, 30)

Room ?

The central entrance

Shopping center «Royal»

(av. Lenina, 26)

Kvantorium - children technological park

The central entrance,

3 floor

Shopping center «Royal»

(av. Lenina, 26)

Boiling point (Tochka kipenia) – coworking space

The right wing of the building,

2 floor


Registration. Welcome coffee

09:00 — 10:00
Scientific library of TSU


Hackathon «Gaming technologies in Education

29 мая — 31 мая
Room 415 (2nd building, TSU)
Дмитрий Иванов

The hackathon participants will create prototypes of educational and business computer games for the tasks of the client companies. Prototypes of computer games will be developed for Tomsk State University, “Sberbank” and Private Institution of Further Vocational Education «GAZPROM’s Training Simulator Computer Center».

Organizers: Studio of educational games "Game Initiative"

29 May


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Registration of participants


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Group work

30 May


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Group work

31 May


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Group work


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Presentation of the results to customers


Big Conference Hall of the TSU Research Library (1st floor – the Old Bulding TSU Research Library)

Presentation of the results at the closing of the conference

Dmitry Ivanov, the founder of the educational games studio "Game Initiative"


preliminary registration required

Foresight session "New technological agenda in education»

09:45 — 18:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Марина Липецкая
The session is organized within the framework of foresight research in the field of education, the ultimate goal of which is to form a scientific and technological agenda in this sector in the context of existing trends and challenges. Foresight is carried out by the methodology of the Fund "CSR "North-West" Disruptive Foresight, which is based on the idea of collective decision-making and involves the formation of a scientific map (the scientific mainstream, mature science, breakthroughs and fantastic scientific theory) and the compilation of the timeline of the development of scientific and technological trends in the format of brainstorming. The event will be held with the involvement of high-level specialists with a deep understanding of the issues under study. The results of the expert discussion will be verified and supplemented with the help of science and bibliometric analysis, technological maps, content analysis and benchmarking. The study will result in a report on new educational technologies.
Session Leader: Marina S. Lipetskaya, Director of the Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation


Key arrangements

Teacher Resources in the Digital Age

10:00 — 11:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Elena Sukhanova


Elena Sukhanova, Tomsk State University



Anastasia Khaminova, Eleonora Simonova, Creative laboratory "Sly thing"

Freedom and system in the formation and assessment of skills of the 21st century


Oksana Pityukova, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology

Formation of research skills of students in history lessons through working with concepts

Art Session: presentation of students work and projects

«The Core» by students' eyes

10:00 — 13:00
Hall of Confucius Institute
Юлия Осаченко


Yulia Osachenko, Tomsk State University


Exhibition of projects – students’ projects of four faculties: Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Historical and Political Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Art and Culture, created by them in the process of mastering the discipline "Pictures of the World" in the first and second semesters of the current academic year. The modern world, its opportunities, problems and challenges, its features and achievements - through the eyes of students of the Bachelor’s Core


Pecha-Kucha «Feedback. Generation Z»

10:00 — 13:00
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy
Ангелина Белогубова


Belogubova Angelina, Master student of Digital Humanities

Nazarova Olga, Master student of Digital Humanities


Laboratory «Education for Future»

10:00 — 13:00
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Lika Chekalova


Lika Chekalova, Institute of Broadband Education (METAVERSITY)



To play, you can’t learn: offline and online technology in teaching

11:00 — 11:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Анастасия Екушевская

Anastasia Ekushevskaya, Head of Kids Lab

1. Modern children. What are they interested in and how to train them?

2. Digital literacy as one of the main skills in the future

3. Gadgets with benefits: instructions of use

Master class

Navigation of mobile robots

11:00 — 12:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Дмитрий Петров


Dmitry Petrov


Master class

Social networks, games and YouTube: how to ensure involvement for generations Y and Z

11:30 — 12:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Дарья Гриц

Daria Greiz, Skyeng


Master class

Lighting in astronautics

12:00 — 13:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Виктор Стасевский


Viktor Stasevski


12:30 — 13:30

Master class

Model of the rocket or the first steps to astronautics

13:00 — 14:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Виктор Стасевский


Viktor Stasevski


Expert laboratory

Transition to digital school

13:30 — 15:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Coworking space TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Elena Sukhanova


Elena Sukhanova, Tomsk State University

Nadezhda Lyzhina, Regional Center for Educational Development

Presentation of the best practices of resource & implementation centers for innovation at Regional Center for Education Development within federal program “Digital School” of the national project "Education"


Pedagogical design lesson in blended learning

13:30 — 15:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Максим Буланов

Leader: Maxim Bulanov, RAY Academy Moscow, Interregional Tutor Association


Master class

How to change the DNA and properties of fruits (about genes and what they encode)

14:00 — 15:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Анна Гавенко


Anna Gavenko


Moderators School of TSU

14:00 — 17:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Юлия Осаченко


Yulia Osachenko, Tomsk State University   

A game-training aimed at developing critical thinking and media literacy skills “In the Mirror of Interpretations” (presentation of educational technologies and methods for developing critical thinking)

Project session

Faculty is in search for its applicants in social networks

14:00 — 17:00
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy
Artem Feshchenko


Artem Feshchenko, Tomsk State University

Angelina Belogubova, Tomsk State University   


The purpose of the session is to design decisions how to form targeted applicants for TSU faculties from high school students, to combine non-standard approaches to vocational guidance, preparation for academic culture and education, immersion in the research context

Interactive session

Interactive lecture about professions of the future

14:00 — 15:00
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Наталья Арцемович

Artsemovich Natalya, Department for Innovative Activity of the Administration of Tomsk Region

At the lecture, students will learn about the development of technologies of the past, present and future, will receive an answer to the question of what competencies of specialists will be in demand in the future, get acquainted with the professions of the future and find out in which Tomsk universities they can get.

Master class

AR – easy!

15:00 — 16:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Максим Джимов


Maxim Dzimov

Interactive meeting

Development of language competencies of English teachers in general education organizations using distance learning technologies

15:00 — 15:45
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Виолетта Усанова

Violetta Usanova, Svetlana Pavshintseva, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)

Modern technologies in teaching English at school

Open lecture

Room 210, 31nd building, TSU

15:00 — 17:00
Павел Лукша
Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Coffee break

15:45 — 16:00

Master class

Along the way of an indie developer: create a 3D game for yourself and your friends!

16:00 — 17:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Максим Джимов


Maxim Dzimov

Master class

How to become more attractive than a smartphone? Existing life hacks for those who compete with the phone for the attention of the student.

16:00 — 17:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Иона Гусаченко

Jonah Gusachenko, SmartyKids

The master class will be useful to anyone who asks others to put down their phones and listen to her or him. Inhibitions don't work. But methodical and psychological techniques, which will be discussed in the master class, work. We will work out 5 existing life hacks and discuss how to be a teacher who is never boring. Playing in communication and engaging, you will look at your classes differently, and the students themselves will put the gadgets on the edge of the table. Catch the attention now!

Master Class

3D modeling and prototyping in training, project activities and in preparation for competitions

16:00 — 17:00
Children's Technological park “Kvantorium”
Тамара Костюченко
Tamara Kostyuchenko, Kvantorium Children's Technological park

Study and discussion

"Futures Literacy in Education". How to apply the approach of future-based education

16:00 — 18:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Lika Chekalova


Lika Chekalova, Institute of Broadband Education (IHIPO)

Maxim Bulanov, RAY Academy Moscow, Inter-regional Tutor Association

Master class

Crypto Class (cryptography: from ancient Rome to quantum computers)

17:00 — 18:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Никита Руденцов


Nikita Rudentsov

Master class

Awesome 2D platformer, or Mario Brothers rest!

17:00 — 18:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Станислав Дзядух


Stanislav Dzyaduh

Training seminar

Challenges and models of integration of online resources in multi-level programs of additional education of children in the context of STI and the hobby clubs

17:00 — 18:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Coworking space TSU RESEARCH LIBRARYТГУ
Людмила Ларина

Lyudmila Larina, Children's Technology Park "Kvantorium"

Are you a teacher, methodologist or manager of additional educational programs for children? Interested in methodical practices of the hobby clubs? Do you want to learn how to design multi-level programs to prepare schoolchildren for the STI competition? Do you need specific recommendations on the type and mechanism of integration of online resources into children's educational content? Welcome to the methodical site!

Master class

2d game development using GameMaker Studio 2

18:00 — 19:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Никита Руденцов


Nikita Rudentsov


Open evening lecture

New competencies for various industries

19:00 — 20:00
Small conference hall, TSU Research library
Юлия Ханьжина

30 May



09:00 — 10:30
Scientific library of TSU

Presentation of new online courses of Russian universities and online products for education

09:30 — 10:00
Big conference hall, TSU Research library

Opening of EdCrunch Park exhibition

10:00 — 10:30
Scientific library of TSU

Plenary session

Opening ceremony. Plenary session

10:30 — 13:00
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Eduard Galazhinsky


13:00 — 14:00

Panel discussion

Bachelor’s Core: options for implementation in universities in Russia (cases of TSU, TPU, MISIS, UrFU)

14:00 — 15:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Иван Замощанский


Ivan Zamoschanski, Ural Federal University

One of the models of transformation of the educational process in higher education institutions, focused on a graduate who is maximally adapted to life in the modern changing world, thinking in an interdisciplinary paradigm over professional boundaries, is the model of Educational Core - the basic complex of disciplines that form a certain educational invariant of competencies, independently from professional specialization.

     The purpose of the panel discussion: to discuss models and approaches to the organization of the Educational Core in universities of the Russian Federation, to share the experience of introducing educational technologies in formation of universal bachelor competencies


Ivan Zamoschanski, Ph.D., associate professor, director of the Center for project training and maintenance of online courses at UrFU

Nadezhda Fedorova, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Individual Educational Paths of UT

Olga Eliseeva, Associate Professor, Head of the Educational Process Quality Department ITMO

Vladimir Guzyr, Ph.D., School of Basic Engineering Training TPU, Deputy Director for Development

Natalia Lukyanova, Dr., Professor, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, TPU

Yulia Osachenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the TSU, Scientific Supervisor of the “Educational Core of Undergraduate Studies at the TSU” project


Presentation of a joint project roadmap Skyeng Online School and Tomsk State University "Modern educational environment for learning English at Tomsk State University"

14:00 — 15:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Александр Долгов


Victor Dyomin, TSU

Alexander Dolgov, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)

Violetta Usanova, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)

Evgeniya Tikhonova, Tomsk State University

The presenters will demonstrate the roadmap of the project of creation a modern educational environment for learning English at TSU using Skyeng technology solution - the digital educational platform (service) Skyeng.Workook. The project is designed to create an English-language scientific community of TSU, to promote the development of international programs, attract and adapt international students, increase the prestige of the university in Russian and international education.

Roundtable discussion

Online tutor or tutor online: tutor model in online training

14:00 — 15:30
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Татьяна Климова


Tatyana Klimova, Tomsk State University


Tatyana Kovaleva, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Interregional Tutor Association

Maxim Bulanov, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Higher School of Economics

Tatyana Klimova, Tomsk State University, Tomsk Regional Branch of MTA

Vadim Pak, Tomsk State University

Angelica Kim, Tomsk State University

Elena Stepanova, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Session of reports

Online pedagogy and online learning

14:00 — 16:00
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva

Moderator: Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Sonu Saini, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)

A critical study of MOOC courses in the humanities on the portals of the government of India e-PG Pathshala and SWAYAM: results and expectations

Vorasuang Duangchinda, Sripatum University (Thailand)

Thai MOOC: A Current Status and Towards Sustainability as the National Digital Learning Platform

Marco Gilies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Launch of undergraduate MOOC: pedagogical innovations, learning technologies and student support

Polina Pekker, Lomonosov Moscow State University (online)

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of MOOC efficiency (by the example of the University of Berkeley)

Irina Bleskina, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Forecasting financial performance of courses on Coursera

Tatyana Pospelova, Moscow State University

Pros and cons of the online school accelerator program: ACCEL

Research session

Educational data analysis

14:00 — 15:40
Reading room №3, TSU Research library
Artem Feshchenko


Artem Feschenko, Tomsk State University


Andrei Komissarov, STI University "20.35"

Digital footprints and digital competency profile


Ivan Smirnov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Using digital footprints to explore students' emotional well-being.

Pavel Kiselev, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education

Profession orientizer robot: a new approach to professional self-determination based on values

Vyacheslav Goiko, Tomsk State University

Digital footprints of university graduates: a study of interests, migration, impact on society

Artem Feschenko, Tomsk State University

Identification of talented youth and attraction to regional universities based on the analysis of big data in social networks

Sergey Chernyshov, Novosibirsk City Open College

Features of the formation of migration flows of students from leading universities of the Siberian Federal District

Dmitry Abbakumov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Modeling and forecasting of students' activity within MOOCs

Igor Nekhaev, Volga State University of Technology

Online analytics: verification and improvement of the structure of the learning process, assessment of the levels of competence formation

Maxim Usov, company ENBISYS

Tools and Methods for Big Data Analysis in Snappet Adaptive Learning System

Andrey Gorodovich, Vladimir Kruchinin, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Knowledge base for the evaluation of electronic teaching materials

Alexander Stepanov, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Data of the digital educational environment as a
tool for successful interaction of e-learning subjects

Session of reports

Advanced Learning Technologies

14:00 — 16:30
Small conference hall, TSU Research library
Dmitry Volkov

Moderator: Dmitry Volkov, Deputy of the First Vice-Rector, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)

William Cope, Professor, Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, College of Education, University of Illinois

Ecology of e-learning: innovative approaches to teaching and learning in the digital age

Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris

Rethinking education in the digital world

Alexander Zamyatin, Roman Annenkov, Tomsk State University

Platform UNIVERSITY: VR / AR modules in educational products without programming

Sergey Brazhnik, Yandex company

Educational ecosystem of Yandex. How we do cooperate and help to learn

Evgeny Gordov, Siberian Center for Ecological Research and Education, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS

Virtual scientific and educational platform for environmental sciences "Climate"

Leopold Hamminger, European Virtual High School

Hypertext concept promotion: from hypertext to hyper-audio and hyper video

Ilya Sobol, inventive bureau "Izobryulo", online school of urban entrepreneurs "Vector"

Learning 3D modeling and 3D printing for elder people (55+)

Elena Dubrovskaya, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

Psycholinguistic experiments in educational interactive gaming space, or how users perceive/understand instructions in games

Natalya Sokolenko, Dmitry Gorobets, Private institution of additional professional education"Industry research training and training center of Gazprom»

Corporate approaches to the development and use of teaching materials


Digital Transformation of Universities

14:00 — 18:00
Reading room №5 TSU Research library
Олег Змеев

Discussion of the development trajectories of universities in the conditions of digital transformation. How does the face of a university change? Digital transformation and automation: is it possible to put an equal sign? Do I need to rebuild the educational process? Who takes part of roles from teacher? And other questions.

Group work will be organized on 4 basic processes at the university: education, research, innovation, management.


Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk State University


Anatoly Govorov, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Julia Hanjina, Agency for Strategic Initiatives

Oksana Minich, Belarusian State Pedagogical University

Mikhail Ivanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Round table

Project-educational intensives on the model of the University 20.35. Subtotal

14:00 — 17:00
Room 209, TSU main building
Vasily Tretyakov

Vasily Tretyakov, General Director of ANO University STI

Within the roundtable discussion a model of the educational process of the University 20.35 will be presented. The model is based on the project activities and the implementation of individual educational trajectories, which consist of face-to-face and online activities. This should provide the emergence of the necessary knowledge and skills for the implementation of the project. At this moment, in the Russian Federation 13 intensives, based on the model, are taking place. The methodical bases of the offered model will be considered in details and the digital services developed for administration and methodical support of similar educational programs will be presented. At the second part of the roundtable discussion, representatives of partner universities will share their experience in organizing and conducting intensives on this model. In their reports, they will talk about the first victories and describe the key barriers that they had to overcome.      


Vitaly Genarov, University “20.35”

Polina Sibina, Omsk State Technical University

Marina Medvedeva, Derzhavin Tambov State University

Ekaterina Tselikova, Cherepovets State University

Sergey Nemtsev, National Research Belgorod State University

Egor Rudometkin, Product Manager, University 2035

Olga Skryabina, Coordinator of the Intensive "Leap into the Future", Kostroma State University

Vladimir Belenko, coordinator of the intensive "Special Forces Engineering", National Research Belgorod State University

Corporate learning. Importance of English for export-oriented industries

15:00 — 16:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Виолетта Усанова
Violetta Usanova, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)


Educational technologies in the formation of interdisciplinarity

15:30 — 16:10
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Дмитрий Коньков

Dmitry Konkov, Sergey Merkulov, Alexander Yushnikov, Tomsk State University

Educational technologies in the formation of interdisciplinarity


Master class

Game practice in education

16:00 — 17:30
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Андрей Комиссаров

Andrey Komissarov, STI University «20.35»

The game is a serious issue! Andrey Komissarov, a leading Russian game practitioner will tell how to develop their own educational games and adapt existing game techniques to the educational environment, not breaking its basic principles. Game design, game storytelling, game models: everything you wanted to know about game pedagogy!

Master class

Master class "Lectorium: new formats of online courses"

16:20 — 16:40
English reading room, TSU Research library
Anastasia Gribanovskaya

Anastasia Gribanovskaya, Lectorium

Director of the development of the educational project “Lectorium” Anastasia Gribanovskaya will tell about the transition from video courses to longreads, the mechanics of new launch formats on “Lectorium” and really open courses that do not require participants to be authorized


Educational technologies in the formation of critical and systems thinking. Training “To listen – to hear”

16:25 — 17:05
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Юлия Осаченко

Yulia Osachenko, Anastasia Gubaidullina, Eleonora Novikova, Tomsk State University

Educational technologies in the formation of critical and systems thinking. Training “To listen – to hear”



16:30 — 17:00
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Сергей Бражник

Case review

Technologies of teaching and learning English

16:30 — 17:30
German reading room, TSU Research library
Евгения Белоусова

Evgenia Belousova, Siberian State University of Water Transport

Game as a method of learning English

Julia Zharova, Siberian State University of Water Transport

Teaching students to present in English

Master class

Master class on creating courses on Stepik or Stepik Opportunities for teachers and universities

16:40 — 17:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Наталья Феофанова

Natalia Feofanova, Stepik

Natalia Feofanova, Director of Course Stepik, will tell you how to create a course on the Stepik platform, sort out the course types and show their differences, and demonstrate the main features of the platform. If you have already created courses, there will be an opportunity to ask questions connected with your examples.

Session of reports

Adaptive and personalized technology-based learning

16:40 — 18:30
Reading room №4 TSU Research library
Evgeniya Kulik


Evgeniya Kulik, National Research University Higher School of Economics


Sergey Zamaraev, Nikita Yesipov, service analytics distance learning "Kursometer"

Data-based recommendations: a way to personalize learning

Diana Dammer, Svetlana Veledinskaya, Galina Mozhaeva, Tomsk State University

“Adaptive Mathematics”: Towards a Digital Tutor

Maxim Usov, company ENBISYS

System requirements for adaptive mathematics learning with the example of Plario

Ivan Aksenenko, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Big data within the task of learning personalizing

Vladimir Romanenko, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Application of xAPI standart in adaptive learning

Valentina Shamshovich, Association of educational organizations "Electronic Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan"

Forecasting and monitoring the success of learning by neural networks

Dmitry Balanev, Tomsk State University

Math teaching: environment and thinking

Master class

«Digital learning: fashionable or effective?»

16:40 — 17:30
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva
Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva, Moscow state pedagogical University

Master Class

Master Class "Opportunities of the National Open Education Platform for University Networks Interaction"

17:00 — 17:20
English reading room, TSU Research library
Dmitry Yushin

Dmitry Yushin, National Open Education Platform

The master class will present the possibilities of the National Open Education Platform for working in the personal account of the university with students enrolled in online courses as part of the network interaction of the universities

Master Class

8 questions: how to start a business in education?

17:00 — 18:00
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Natalia Serpionova

Natalia Serpionova, educational project “Point B”


- Key niches

- Educational project development models

- Where to look for ideas?

- I know everything, but I'm afraid to start!

- Start a business in education where: online or offline?

- How to form a project team?

Philosophy through the Great Books: implementation technologies. Master class "Three modes of reading text"

17:20 — 18:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Елена Бахтиярова

Elena Bakhtiyarova, Tatiana Fanenstl, Tomsk State University

Philosophy through the Great Books: implementation technologies. Master class "Three modes of reading text"

Case review

Current issues of the development and use of online courses

17:20 — 18:40
English reading room, TSU Research library
Дарья Маслова


Daria Maslova, Tomsk state University


Nina Agapova, Tomsk state University

Mooc in the flipped classroom

Tatyana Gorbenko, Tomsk state University

Integration of online and blended learning

Eduard Pogorsky, Durham University,

Using a virtual assistant to improve self-regulation of online learners

Yana Pchelintseva, Tomsk state University

Promotion strategy of university’s MOOC and of the University through the MOOC

Daria Maslova, Tomsk state University

Organization of work with author teams within the development of online courses

Kristina Tanasenko, Tomsk state University

The system of support for students of online courses of TSU on the platform of open education: roles, functions, tools


Educational analytics: where to start?

17:40 — 18:30
German reading room, TSU Research library
Сергей Замараев

Sergey Zamaraev, Nikita Esipov, Analytics service for distance learning "kursometr”

The aim is to acquaint the conference participants with the opportunities that open up by using educational data Analytics.

The presenter will answer the questions:

– How to start working with big data in education?

– What are the tools of educational Analytics?

– What opportunities does big data Analytics give in distance learning?

Scrum methodology for course design

17:40 — 18:30
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Elena Lokteva

Elena Lokteva, project “Skill Plus.Me”

There are at least three ways to apply Scrum methodology in learning:

- method 1 - to manage course content;

- method 2 - to manage learning process;

- method 3 - to manage the course development process.

In particular, the eduScrum approach, which is used to manage learning (and, by the way, in itself has several radically different ways of organization), has been gaining popularity recently.

During the master class, we will learn how to use Scrum to manage the content of the courses, namely , how this methodology allows you to form the content of the course, plan its development and ensure the processes of self-assessment and self-control in the process of mastering the content of the course.

The most active participant of the master class - a gift from the presenter! :)

31 May


Roundtable discussion

Student identity formation and key competencies generated in the Core: critical thinking and interdisciplinarity

09:00 — 11:00
Юлия Осаченко

Moderator: Yulia Osachenko, Tomsk State University


Taras Paschenko, National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
Teaching Critical Thinking through Research: HSE Experience

Ivan Zamoschanski, Ural Federal University
Critical Thinking: online course

Olga Eliseeva, ITMO University

Systems and critical thinking as educational results of training in the bachelor degree of ITMO University


Svetlana Veledinskaya, Tomsk State University

Educational technologies in the formation of interdisciplinary competencies: design specificity of the Core disciplines

Anastasia Gubaidullina, Tomsk State University

Interdisciplinarity as a terra incognita


Eleonora Novikova, Tomsk State University

The experience of the course implementation "Critical thinking and writing" in the Bachelor’s core of TSU

Dmitry Konkov, Tomsk State University

Identity of a TSU student – setting of a problem

Mini lecture

Neuroimaging and cognitive development

10:00 — 11:00
German reading room, TSU Research library
Marie Arsalidou

Marie Arsalidou, national research University Higher school of Economics, York University (Canada)

Children are born with an abundance of neurons eager to connect and communicate with each other through synapses. Increased metabolic changes associated with increased neuronal needs in different brain areas is assumed to require increased blood flow to those regions. Blood flow changes, can be visualized using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a non-invasive neuroimaging method used to investigate which areas of the brain are associated with different cognitive functions such as thinking, working memory, attention, math and language. This paper will focus on fMRI evidence from many studies that examined brain responses while children and adults performed mathematical problems and working memory tasks.

Master class on data collection for eaching educational objectives

Data mining at "Vkontakte": how to learn more about your students and university entrants

10:00 — 10:40
Вячеслав Гойко

Panel discussion

DH: Education, technology, development

10:00 — 13:00
Small conference hall, TSU Research library
Марина Лаптева

Moderator: Marina Lapteva, Russian Association of Digital Humanities


Vitaly Maslov, Kant Baltic Federal University

The experience of integrating Master’s degree programs in digital humanities: history, philology and documentation

Oleslav Antamoshkin, Siberian Federal University

Analysis of the effectiveness of adaptive educational course in the e-learning system of the Siberian Federal University

Inna Kizhner, Siberian Federal University, Member of the Board of the European Association for Digital Humanities

The history and context of digital humanities in Russia

Nikita Pikov, Siberian Federal University

From the experience of organizing the practice of students of the direction "Applied Informatics in the Humanities and Art of the Siberian Federal University"

Irina Vladimirova, Siberian Federal University

Analysis of educational programs of foreign universities (DH in the educational process)

Guzalia Fazylzyanova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Visualization as a creative text understanding technology

Vyacheslav Zasedatel, Tomsk State University

Photogrammetry as one of the tools of interactive teaching methods

Daria Shabalina, Tomsk State University

Transformation of the modern museum and the place of VR technologies in the museum space

Sergey Alekseev, Tomsk State University

Reflection of users on the invisible interface

Ekaterina Medvedeva, Tomsk State University

Artificial neural networks in modern technological art: the problem of authorship

Yury Karyakin, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Ontogenetic thinking as the basis of harmonization of education in the coming digital world


X - Y - Z - A: Generation Theory and Educational Technologies

10:00 — 11:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Евгения Шамис


Evgeniya Shamis, CEO of “Shepra-S Pro”

Evgeniya Shamis, CEO of “Shepra-S Pro”

X-Y-Z: Generation Theory and Education

Razina Nigmatullina, University of Talents

The system of work with talanted children and youth

Anastasia Khaminova, Eleonora Simonova, Creative laboratory "Sly thing"

Generations Z: what to learn and how?

Nadezhda Zilberman, Tomsk State University

Responding to the challenges of generation Z: the experience of teaching in high school

Valeria Petrova, Tomsk State University

The generating effect of the educational environment of the university: professionalization of a specialist and educational technology

Reports & discussion

Session of reports

Current issues of online learning: theory and practice

10:00 — 11:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Svetlana Kalmykova


Svetlana Kalmykova, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Anton Orlov, St. Petersburg State University

Online Course Development Process Management System

Lyudmila Klimovich, Surgut State University

Experience of integration of online courses into the educational process of SurSU

Tatyana Kasatkina, Victoria Dubrovskaya, Tomsk State University

Mechanisms for the inclusion of online courses into educational programs for the highest category professionals development

Lyubov Maksimenko, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Adaptation through online course: student guide of the Faculty of Distance Learning of TUSUR

Gulnara Krasnova, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Online Education Export Model

Case review

Case review “e-learning Practices”

10:00 — 13:00
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Elena Goryunova


Elena Goryunova, Tomsk state University

Elena lotova, Lyudmila Apalina, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Information support of the educational process in the electronic information and educational environment of RUDN

Anastasia Isaeva, Tomsk state University

The use of e-learning at legal specialties teaching

Elena Goryunova, Tomsk state University

Tools for analysis of the educational process in Moodle

Timur Gazizov, Tomsk state pedagogical University

Experience in using landing pages to attract students

Olga Budzynskaya, Viktor Martynov, Viktor Sheinbaum National research Gubkin Russian state University of oil and gas

Virtual environment of activity in the development of team work competencies

Alexey Drooki, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Concepts and platforms for the implementation of online education at TPU

Alina Ostroumova, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Three strategies for designing online courses in the e-learning management system (LMS) Moodle: the experience of Tomsk Polytechnic University

Master class

The use of game technologies in the educational process. On the example of intellectual detective game False Detective

10:00 — 10:40
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Сергей Шевченко

Sergey Shevchenko, Tomsk state University

The speaker will present the author's game "False Detective". The gameplay combines elements of an interactive role-playing intellectual game and a detective. The game was developed and adapted within the framework of the curriculum of the course "Situational analysis and methods of decision-making", which the speaker conducts for undergraduates of the first course "Applied historical Analytics" at the Faculty of historical and political Sciences. Participants of the master class will solve the crime and understand the features of the development and implementation of full-format intellectual games in the educational process.

Expert seminar

Digital technologies in engineering education

10:00 — 13:00
Main building of TPU, Lenina av., 30, room 314
Александр Фадеев


Alexander Fadeev, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Digital challenges like the all-accessible Internet, social networks, online shopping, taxis, banks and public services have changed not only the daily lives of everyone, but also led to a significant transformation of the economy, industry and education. New professions are emerging, new requirements for specialists in traditional industries are being formed. Consequently, new expectations are placed on engineering universities.

Within the framework of the section "Digital technologies in engineering education" while a discussion of educational institutions with representatives of high-tech enterprises, we will try to find answers to the following questions:

What technologies are relevant today for the training and retraining of engineers?

How to achieve compliance of graduate competencies with rapidly changing requirements of the employer?

How to train not only an engineer in a certain specialty, but also a specialist in the field of digital technologies with flexible skills and entrepreneurial thinking in 4 years from a schoolboy?

How to create an individual approach to training each student taking into account her or his abilities and desires?

Satellite Symposium

Digital technology in medicine: best practices implementation

10:00 — 11:40
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Татьяна Калачева

Moderator: Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia,

Natalia Brazovskaya, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Analysis of information processes for the development and implementation of educational programs in the field of additional vocational education: directions of development

Olga Prirodova, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

New educational technologies in the framework of continuing education of specialists (Moscow)

Yulia Sidorova, Natalia Zakharova, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Medical Education, Novosibirsk State Medical University

Remote educational technologies as a means of optimization in the system of advanced learning

Sergey Chemezov, Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of the Russian Federation

Registration copyright on online resources. Why do we need it?

Dmitry Rossiev, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Psychological online testing in LMS KrasSMU

Elena Myagkova, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Development of information culture of future doctors through LMS KrasSMU

Yulia Milazhenko, Center for Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Experience in organizing online courses at the Omsk Center for the Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Sergey Karas, Research Institute of Cardiology, Tomsk NIMTS

Virtual patient as a tool for advanced training in cardiology

Discussion, answers to questions

Roundtable discussion

Digital Transformation of Universities

10:00 — 11:30
English reading room, TSU Research library
Олег Змеев


Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk State University



Anatoly Govorov, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo

Digital Transformation of Universities

Oksana Minich, Belarusian State Pedagogical University

Model of electronic university in the conditions of digitalization of continuous pedagogical education

Mikhail Ivanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Digitization of the educational process: from the online course to the analysis of student involvement in the educational process

Daria Sitnikova, Tomsk State University

Objectives, foundations and limits of digitalization of education at the university

Sergey Timkin, Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Intensive of the University STI "20.35" in Omsk: the benefits and risks of inter-university organization

Evgeny Bryndin, Research Center ESTEVOINFORMATIKA

Mobility of creative innovative higher professional education

Evgenia Isaeva, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Digital education staff training: what and how to
train a modern teacher

Mini session of reports

Project approach and project training

10:45 — 11:30
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Elena Lokteva


Elena Lokteva, Project Manager “SkillPlus.Me”

Elena Lokteva, Project Manager “SkillPlus.Me”

Project Approach Myths

Maria Tezina, Innopolis University

Project activities as a tool for the formation of
scientific leadership

Master class on solving educational problems

Advanced data collection tools in LMS MOODLE: monitoring and management of the learning process, user support, feedback

10:50 — 11:30
Вячеслав Заседатель

Vyacheslav Zasedatel, Tomsk State University

Alexander Stepanenko, Tomsk State University


Artificial Intelligence technologies in the development of a platform for adaptive learning

11:00 — 11:30
Дмитрий Бубнов

Dmitry Bubnov, company ENBISYS

1. The concept of adaptive learning, its goals and benefits.

2. Limits of applicability of adaptive learning systems.

3. Measuring the effectiveness of the adaptive learning system.

4. Enbisys approach to creating an adaptive learning system by example

5. The creation of a domain model and graph competence.

6. The methodology of creating content for adaptive learning

7. The approach to the primary diagnosis of the student and the formation of a digital double of the student using genetic algorithms.

8. BKT (Bayesian Knowledge Tracing) as a basis for building an individual trajectory of student learning.

9. The functionality of adaptive learning

10. Features of integration with popular LMS (Learning Management Systems.)

11. Analytics, metrics, demonstration of the effectiveness of the system of adaptive learning

12. Development of scaling the system, expanding the functionality, increasing the number of subject areas, additional possibilities of machine learning in the personalization of education.

Roundtable discussion

Open dialogue: business and education

11:30 — 13:00
Валерия Титова


Valeria Titova, Tomsk State University

The participants of round table will discuss 3 cases of project-based learning accelerators for students, created within the cooperation of educational institutions and business.

An hour workshop is also planned with an analysis of the main features and methods of developing an acceleration program for educational requests of the participants of the round table.

According to the results of the workshop, participants will learn about the main stages of the development of the acceleration program, learn how to choose educational methods for acceleration and get acquainted with effective ways to attract business partners to implement their programs.

Presentation of cases:

Valeria Titova, Tomsk State University

Agile Storm is an accelerator for project-based education of TSU students with the support of companies in the field of digital technologies.

Natalia Chistyakova, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Experience in implementing project training in the accelerator of the Digital Marketing program at TPU

Sergey Oshayev, TeamLab

TeamLab project competence accelerator: raising soft skills of IT teams

Workshop "How to make your own accelerator?"


Valeria Titova, Tomsk State University

What is an accelerator? What tasks can be solved with the help of an acceleration educational program?

Setting goals and objectives for your accelerator.

Development of the main stages of the acceleration program (according to the methodology of agile andscrum).

The choice of application of educational methods in acceleration (traction meetings, mentor meetings, meetings, retrospectives, hakaton, etc.).

The possibility of using digital solutions in the implementation of the accelerator.

Selection and involvement of business partners in the accelerator.

Summing up the training in the accelerator. Acceleration score for participants.

Project “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation”: high-quality and available online education

11:50 — 12:50
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Viktoria Dubrovskaya


Victoria Dubrovskaya, Tomsk State University


Andrey Lyamin, ITMO University

Opportunities of the "single window" resource: the functional of the portfolio of educational institution

Viola Larionova, Ural Federal University

Improving the organizational and financial model of using online courses in the educational activities of the university

Victoria Dubrovskaya, Tomsk State University

Regional centers of competence in the field of online learning: the results of 2017-2018 and development prospects

Svetlana Kalmykova, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great

Own and third-party online courses in SPbPU educational programs

Master Class

Storytelling as a technology of effective communications in education

11:50 — 12:20
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Ольга Назарова

Master class

Building a digital learning ecosystem at the University

11:50 — 13:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Олег Змеев

Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk state University

During the master class we will talk about the transformation of educational models of undergraduate. As an example, consider the case of basic educational program "Software engineering", which is implemented in the Higher IT-school (HITs) TSU

Brainstorming or discussion

Exam vs learning. How to teach math without an exam

12:00 — 13:00
German reading room, TSU Research library
Сергей Поздняков
Pozdnyakov Sergey, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"


Experience in creating an intelligent IT platform for professional self-determination of schoolchildren

12:00 — 12:30
Евгений Дубровин

Evgeny Dubrovin, “SMART Concept” Association

Sergey Chernyshov, Alexandra Budnik, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management

The regional platform for the profession self-determination of schoolchildren was created within the framework of the project “Future Professionals for the Digital Economy”, implemented by the “SMART Concept” Association and the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk Region with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Master Class

From career guidance to marketing of educational services based on 1C: University and artificial intelligence

12:00 — 12:30
Павел Киселев

Pavel Kiselev, Ltd "Information Systems in Education"

Marketing of university educational services can be carried out on the basis of career management, including the management of professional self-determination of high school pupils and students. At the master class software solutions to achieve this goal will be presented.

Roundtable discussion

Digital technology in medicine: best practices implementation

12:00 — 13:30
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Андрей Ветлужский

Moderator: Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia,

Natalia Brazovskaya, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Analysis of information processes for the development and implementation of educational programs in the field of additional vocational education: directions of development

Olga Prirodova, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

New educational technologies in the framework of continuing education of specialists (Moscow)

Yulia Sidorova, Natalia Zakharova, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Medical Education, Novosibirsk State Medical University

Remote educational technologies as a means of optimization in the system of advanced learning

Sergey Chemezov, Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of the Russian Federation

Registration copyright on online resources. Why do we need it?

Dmitry Rossiev, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Psychological online testing in LMS KrasSMU

Elena Myagkova, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Development of information culture of future doctors through LMS KrasSMU

Yulia Milazhenko, Center for Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Experience in organizing online courses at the Omsk Center for the Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Sergey Karas, Research Institute of Cardiology, Tomsk NIMTS

Virtual patient as a tool for advanced training in cardiology

Discussion, answers to questions

Master Class

Facilitation of the educational process

12:25 — 13:10
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Елена Плехова

Elena Plekhova, Russian Coaches Association

If you want to:

● learn how to create a situation in which the group will organize itself and set goals;

● learn how to direct and develop a group;

● learn how to motivate and involve all participants in the process;

● so that your group will always work perfectly, achieve high results and be in a comfortable psychological microclimate,

That master class "Facilitation of the educational process" will be very useful for you.


To man of the future: what to teach a child today with a view to make him or her happy and successful tomorrow

12:30 — 13:30
Natalia Serpionova

Natalia Serpionova, educational project “Point B”

How should be upbringing and education in the 21st century and how to prepare for the future?

Let's talk about 5 wrong parenting strategies or parenting mistakes that most impede the onset of the future.

Let's talk about 21st century skills and how and where to master them.


13:00 — 16:20
Research hall (break-out) TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY

Master Class

5 useful matrixes for the course developer

13:00 — 14:00
Reading room №3, TSU Research library
Elena Lokteva

Elena Lokteva, project “SkillPlus.Me”

At the master class we will consider 5 useful course development tools that will help:

- correctly choose the approach to the development of the course;

- manage the risks of developing and implementing the course;

- to balance the key factors of the project implementation course (time, budget, opportunities);

- to balance several different teaching methods within the course;

- to design effective control tasks.

The most active participant in the master class will be given a gift from the presenter! :)

Master Class

Visualization of educational text

13:00 — 13:30
English reading room, TSU Research library
Гузалия Фазылзянова

Guzalia Fazylzyanova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Doctor of Culture, Professor

Introduction to the modern technology of learning visualization techniques: infographics, mind mapping, sketching, scrabbing, digital media.

Open lecture

Museums, digital data and the evolution of the cultural canon

14:00 — 14:45
318 room of Institute of Art and Culture Main building of TSU
Инна Кижнер

Inna Kizhner, Siberian Federal University, Member of the Board of the European Association for Digital Humanities

Museums are a rich source of visual data (images of museum objects) that can and should be analyzed with the help of special tools. Museums provide an opportunity to work with metadata (information about museum objects), which are useful for studying the evolution of culture, the classification of genres, the creation of models and the detection of unexpected patterns.

The lecture shows what underlies the expansion of the visual canon in modern conditions. We will see how the idea of ​​cultural heritage develops in terms of the publication of a large amount of visual data, and find out whether international aggregators (in particular, Google Arts and Culture) represent the canon of visual culture that we consider to be a textbook.

Final plenary session. Conference closing

16:30 — 17:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Galina Mozhaeva


29 May


Registration. Welcome coffee

09:00 — 10:00
Scientific library of TSU

Art Session: presentation of students work and projects

«The Core» by students' eyes

10:00 — 13:00
Hall of Confucius Institute
Юлия Осаченко


Yulia Osachenko, Tomsk State University


Exhibition of projects – students’ projects of four faculties: Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Historical and Political Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Art and Culture, created by them in the process of mastering the discipline "Pictures of the World" in the first and second semesters of the current academic year. The modern world, its opportunities, problems and challenges, its features and achievements - through the eyes of students of the Bachelor’s Core

Master class

How to become more attractive than a smartphone? Existing life hacks for those who compete with the phone for the attention of the student.

16:00 — 17:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Иона Гусаченко

Jonah Gusachenko, SmartyKids

The master class will be useful to anyone who asks others to put down their phones and listen to her or him. Inhibitions don't work. But methodical and psychological techniques, which will be discussed in the master class, work. We will work out 5 existing life hacks and discuss how to be a teacher who is never boring. Playing in communication and engaging, you will look at your classes differently, and the students themselves will put the gadgets on the edge of the table. Catch the attention now!

30 May


Session of reports

Online pedagogy and online learning

14:00 — 16:00
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva

Moderator: Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Sonu Saini, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)

A critical study of MOOC courses in the humanities on the portals of the government of India e-PG Pathshala and SWAYAM: results and expectations

Vorasuang Duangchinda, Sripatum University (Thailand)

Thai MOOC: A Current Status and Towards Sustainability as the National Digital Learning Platform

Marco Gilies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Launch of undergraduate MOOC: pedagogical innovations, learning technologies and student support

Polina Pekker, Lomonosov Moscow State University (online)

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of MOOC efficiency (by the example of the University of Berkeley)

Irina Bleskina, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Forecasting financial performance of courses on Coursera

Tatyana Pospelova, Moscow State University

Pros and cons of the online school accelerator program: ACCEL

Research session

Educational data analysis

14:00 — 15:40
Reading room №3, TSU Research library
Artem Feshchenko


Artem Feschenko, Tomsk State University


Andrei Komissarov, STI University "20.35"

Digital footprints and digital competency profile


Ivan Smirnov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Using digital footprints to explore students' emotional well-being.

Pavel Kiselev, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education

Profession orientizer robot: a new approach to professional self-determination based on values

Vyacheslav Goiko, Tomsk State University

Digital footprints of university graduates: a study of interests, migration, impact on society

Artem Feschenko, Tomsk State University

Identification of talented youth and attraction to regional universities based on the analysis of big data in social networks

Sergey Chernyshov, Novosibirsk City Open College

Features of the formation of migration flows of students from leading universities of the Siberian Federal District

Dmitry Abbakumov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Modeling and forecasting of students' activity within MOOCs

Igor Nekhaev, Volga State University of Technology

Online analytics: verification and improvement of the structure of the learning process, assessment of the levels of competence formation

Maxim Usov, company ENBISYS

Tools and Methods for Big Data Analysis in Snappet Adaptive Learning System

Andrey Gorodovich, Vladimir Kruchinin, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Knowledge base for the evaluation of electronic teaching materials

Alexander Stepanov, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Data of the digital educational environment as a
tool for successful interaction of e-learning subjects

Master class

Game practice in education

16:00 — 17:30
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Андрей Комиссаров

Andrey Komissarov, STI University «20.35»

The game is a serious issue! Andrey Komissarov, a leading Russian game practitioner will tell how to develop their own educational games and adapt existing game techniques to the educational environment, not breaking its basic principles. Game design, game storytelling, game models: everything you wanted to know about game pedagogy!

31 May


Master class on data collection for eaching educational objectives

Data mining at "Vkontakte": how to learn more about your students and university entrants

10:00 — 10:40
Вячеслав Гойко

Roundtable discussion

Digital Transformation of Universities

10:00 — 11:30
English reading room, TSU Research library
Олег Змеев


Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk State University



Anatoly Govorov, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo

Digital Transformation of Universities

Oksana Minich, Belarusian State Pedagogical University

Model of electronic university in the conditions of digitalization of continuous pedagogical education

Mikhail Ivanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Digitization of the educational process: from the online course to the analysis of student involvement in the educational process

Daria Sitnikova, Tomsk State University

Objectives, foundations and limits of digitalization of education at the university

Sergey Timkin, Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Intensive of the University STI "20.35" in Omsk: the benefits and risks of inter-university organization

Evgeny Bryndin, Research Center ESTEVOINFORMATIKA

Mobility of creative innovative higher professional education

Evgenia Isaeva, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Digital education staff training: what and how to
train a modern teacher

Master class

Building a digital learning ecosystem at the University

11:50 — 13:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Олег Змеев

Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk state University

During the master class we will talk about the transformation of educational models of undergraduate. As an example, consider the case of basic educational program "Software engineering", which is implemented in the Higher IT-school (HITs) TSU

Final plenary session. Conference closing

16:30 — 17:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Galina Mozhaeva

Plenary session

30 May



09:00 — 10:30
Scientific library of TSU

Opening of EdCrunch Park exhibition

10:00 — 10:30
Scientific library of TSU

Plenary session

Opening ceremony. Plenary session

10:30 — 13:00
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Eduard Galazhinsky

31 May


Final plenary session. Conference closing

16:30 — 17:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Galina Mozhaeva

Universities digital transformation

27 May


Open lecture

Global challenges and the need for high hume

14:30 — 16:30
Room 210, 31nd building, TSU
Павел Лукша

Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO


Open lecture

17:00 — 19:00
Павел Лукша

28 May


Group project work on the basis of computer simulator Closed session (for TSU employees)

Management of educational ecosystems

10:00 — 18:00
Conference hall, TSU main building
Павел Лукша

Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO;

Petr Tutaev,
head of the team of developers and organizers of events based on computer

29 May


preliminary registration required

Foresight session "New technological agenda in education»

09:45 — 18:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Марина Липецкая
The session is organized within the framework of foresight research in the field of education, the ultimate goal of which is to form a scientific and technological agenda in this sector in the context of existing trends and challenges. Foresight is carried out by the methodology of the Fund "CSR "North-West" Disruptive Foresight, which is based on the idea of collective decision-making and involves the formation of a scientific map (the scientific mainstream, mature science, breakthroughs and fantastic scientific theory) and the compilation of the timeline of the development of scientific and technological trends in the format of brainstorming. The event will be held with the involvement of high-level specialists with a deep understanding of the issues under study. The results of the expert discussion will be verified and supplemented with the help of science and bibliometric analysis, technological maps, content analysis and benchmarking. The study will result in a report on new educational technologies.
Session Leader: Marina S. Lipetskaya, Director of the Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation


Open lecture

Room 210, 31nd building, TSU

15:00 — 17:00
Павел Лукша
Pavel Luksha, Professor of Practice, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Open evening lecture

New competencies for various industries

19:00 — 20:00
Small conference hall, TSU Research library
Юлия Ханьжина

30 May



Digital Transformation of Universities

14:00 — 18:00
Reading room №5 TSU Research library
Олег Змеев

Discussion of the development trajectories of universities in the conditions of digital transformation. How does the face of a university change? Digital transformation and automation: is it possible to put an equal sign? Do I need to rebuild the educational process? Who takes part of roles from teacher? And other questions.

Group work will be organized on 4 basic processes at the university: education, research, innovation, management.


Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk State University


Anatoly Govorov, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO

Julia Hanjina, Agency for Strategic Initiatives

Oksana Minich, Belarusian State Pedagogical University

Mikhail Ivanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

31 May


Roundtable discussion

Digital Transformation of Universities

10:00 — 11:30
English reading room, TSU Research library
Олег Змеев


Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk State University



Anatoly Govorov, Moscow School of Management Skolkovo

Digital Transformation of Universities

Oksana Minich, Belarusian State Pedagogical University

Model of electronic university in the conditions of digitalization of continuous pedagogical education

Mikhail Ivanov, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Digitization of the educational process: from the online course to the analysis of student involvement in the educational process

Daria Sitnikova, Tomsk State University

Objectives, foundations and limits of digitalization of education at the university

Sergey Timkin, Dostoevsky Omsk State University

Intensive of the University STI "20.35" in Omsk: the benefits and risks of inter-university organization

Evgeny Bryndin, Research Center ESTEVOINFORMATIKA

Mobility of creative innovative higher professional education

Evgenia Isaeva, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Digital education staff training: what and how to
train a modern teacher

Master class

Building a digital learning ecosystem at the University

11:50 — 13:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Олег Змеев

Oleg Zmeev, Tomsk state University

During the master class we will talk about the transformation of educational models of undergraduate. As an example, consider the case of basic educational program "Software engineering", which is implemented in the Higher IT-school (HITs) TSU

Advanced Learning Technologies

30 May


Session of reports

Advanced Learning Technologies

14:00 — 16:30
Small conference hall, TSU Research library
Dmitry Volkov

Moderator: Dmitry Volkov, Deputy of the First Vice-Rector, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE)

William Cope, Professor, Department of Education Policy, Organization & Leadership, College of Education, University of Illinois

Ecology of e-learning: innovative approaches to teaching and learning in the digital age

Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris

Rethinking education in the digital world

Alexander Zamyatin, Roman Annenkov, Tomsk State University

Platform UNIVERSITY: VR / AR modules in educational products without programming

Sergey Brazhnik, Yandex company

Educational ecosystem of Yandex. How we do cooperate and help to learn

Evgeny Gordov, Siberian Center for Ecological Research and Education, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS

Virtual scientific and educational platform for environmental sciences "Climate"

Leopold Hamminger, European Virtual High School

Hypertext concept promotion: from hypertext to hyper-audio and hyper video

Ilya Sobol, inventive bureau "Izobryulo", online school of urban entrepreneurs "Vector"

Learning 3D modeling and 3D printing for elder people (55+)

Elena Dubrovskaya, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

Psycholinguistic experiments in educational interactive gaming space, or how users perceive/understand instructions in games

Natalya Sokolenko, Dmitry Gorobets, Private institution of additional professional education"Industry research training and training center of Gazprom»

Corporate approaches to the development and use of teaching materials

Master class

Game practice in education

16:00 — 17:30
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Андрей Комиссаров

Andrey Komissarov, STI University «20.35»

The game is a serious issue! Andrey Komissarov, a leading Russian game practitioner will tell how to develop their own educational games and adapt existing game techniques to the educational environment, not breaking its basic principles. Game design, game storytelling, game models: everything you wanted to know about game pedagogy!


16:30 — 17:00
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Сергей Бражник

Master class

«Digital learning: fashionable or effective?»

16:40 — 17:30
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva
Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva, Moscow state pedagogical University

Scrum methodology for course design

17:40 — 18:30
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Elena Lokteva

Elena Lokteva, project “Skill Plus.Me”

There are at least three ways to apply Scrum methodology in learning:

- method 1 - to manage course content;

- method 2 - to manage learning process;

- method 3 - to manage the course development process.

In particular, the eduScrum approach, which is used to manage learning (and, by the way, in itself has several radically different ways of organization), has been gaining popularity recently.

During the master class, we will learn how to use Scrum to manage the content of the courses, namely , how this methodology allows you to form the content of the course, plan its development and ensure the processes of self-assessment and self-control in the process of mastering the content of the course.

The most active participant of the master class - a gift from the presenter! :)

31 May


Case review

Case review “e-learning Practices”

10:00 — 13:00
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Elena Goryunova


Elena Goryunova, Tomsk state University

Elena lotova, Lyudmila Apalina, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Information support of the educational process in the electronic information and educational environment of RUDN

Anastasia Isaeva, Tomsk state University

The use of e-learning at legal specialties teaching

Elena Goryunova, Tomsk state University

Tools for analysis of the educational process in Moodle

Timur Gazizov, Tomsk state pedagogical University

Experience in using landing pages to attract students

Olga Budzynskaya, Viktor Martynov, Viktor Sheinbaum National research Gubkin Russian state University of oil and gas

Virtual environment of activity in the development of team work competencies

Alexey Drooki, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Concepts and platforms for the implementation of online education at TPU

Alina Ostroumova, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Three strategies for designing online courses in the e-learning management system (LMS) Moodle: the experience of Tomsk Polytechnic University

Master class

The use of game technologies in the educational process. On the example of intellectual detective game False Detective

10:00 — 10:40
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Сергей Шевченко

Sergey Shevchenko, Tomsk state University

The speaker will present the author's game "False Detective". The gameplay combines elements of an interactive role-playing intellectual game and a detective. The game was developed and adapted within the framework of the curriculum of the course "Situational analysis and methods of decision-making", which the speaker conducts for undergraduates of the first course "Applied historical Analytics" at the Faculty of historical and political Sciences. Participants of the master class will solve the crime and understand the features of the development and implementation of full-format intellectual games in the educational process.

Expert seminar

Digital technologies in engineering education

10:00 — 13:00
Main building of TPU, Lenina av., 30, room 314
Александр Фадеев


Alexander Fadeev, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Digital challenges like the all-accessible Internet, social networks, online shopping, taxis, banks and public services have changed not only the daily lives of everyone, but also led to a significant transformation of the economy, industry and education. New professions are emerging, new requirements for specialists in traditional industries are being formed. Consequently, new expectations are placed on engineering universities.

Within the framework of the section "Digital technologies in engineering education" while a discussion of educational institutions with representatives of high-tech enterprises, we will try to find answers to the following questions:

What technologies are relevant today for the training and retraining of engineers?

How to achieve compliance of graduate competencies with rapidly changing requirements of the employer?

How to train not only an engineer in a certain specialty, but also a specialist in the field of digital technologies with flexible skills and entrepreneurial thinking in 4 years from a schoolboy?

How to create an individual approach to training each student taking into account her or his abilities and desires?

Mini session of reports

Project approach and project training

10:45 — 11:30
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Elena Lokteva


Elena Lokteva, Project Manager “SkillPlus.Me”

Elena Lokteva, Project Manager “SkillPlus.Me”

Project Approach Myths

Maria Tezina, Innopolis University

Project activities as a tool for the formation of
scientific leadership

Master Class

Storytelling as a technology of effective communications in education

11:50 — 12:20
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Ольга Назарова

Master Class

Facilitation of the educational process

12:25 — 13:10
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Елена Плехова

Elena Plekhova, Russian Coaches Association

If you want to:

● learn how to create a situation in which the group will organize itself and set goals;

● learn how to direct and develop a group;

● learn how to motivate and involve all participants in the process;

● so that your group will always work perfectly, achieve high results and be in a comfortable psychological microclimate,

That master class "Facilitation of the educational process" will be very useful for you.

Data analysis in education

30 May


Research session

Educational data analysis

14:00 — 15:40
Reading room №3, TSU Research library
Artem Feshchenko


Artem Feschenko, Tomsk State University


Andrei Komissarov, STI University "20.35"

Digital footprints and digital competency profile


Ivan Smirnov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Using digital footprints to explore students' emotional well-being.

Pavel Kiselev, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education

Profession orientizer robot: a new approach to professional self-determination based on values

Vyacheslav Goiko, Tomsk State University

Digital footprints of university graduates: a study of interests, migration, impact on society

Artem Feschenko, Tomsk State University

Identification of talented youth and attraction to regional universities based on the analysis of big data in social networks

Sergey Chernyshov, Novosibirsk City Open College

Features of the formation of migration flows of students from leading universities of the Siberian Federal District

Dmitry Abbakumov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Modeling and forecasting of students' activity within MOOCs

Igor Nekhaev, Volga State University of Technology

Online analytics: verification and improvement of the structure of the learning process, assessment of the levels of competence formation

Maxim Usov, company ENBISYS

Tools and Methods for Big Data Analysis in Snappet Adaptive Learning System

Andrey Gorodovich, Vladimir Kruchinin, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Knowledge base for the evaluation of electronic teaching materials

Alexander Stepanov, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Data of the digital educational environment as a
tool for successful interaction of e-learning subjects


Educational analytics: where to start?

17:40 — 18:30
German reading room, TSU Research library
Сергей Замараев

Sergey Zamaraev, Nikita Esipov, Analytics service for distance learning "kursometr”

The aim is to acquaint the conference participants with the opportunities that open up by using educational data Analytics.

The presenter will answer the questions:

– How to start working with big data in education?

– What are the tools of educational Analytics?

– What opportunities does big data Analytics give in distance learning?

31 May


Master class on data collection for eaching educational objectives

Data mining at "Vkontakte": how to learn more about your students and university entrants

10:00 — 10:40
Вячеслав Гойко

Master class on solving educational problems

Advanced data collection tools in LMS MOODLE: monitoring and management of the learning process, user support, feedback

10:50 — 11:30
Вячеслав Заседатель

Vyacheslav Zasedatel, Tomsk State University

Alexander Stepanenko, Tomsk State University

Master Class

From career guidance to marketing of educational services based on 1C: University and artificial intelligence

12:00 — 12:30
Павел Киселев

Pavel Kiselev, Ltd "Information Systems in Education"

Marketing of university educational services can be carried out on the basis of career management, including the management of professional self-determination of high school pupils and students. At the master class software solutions to achieve this goal will be presented.

Adaptive and personalized learning based on advanced technologies

30 May


Session of reports

Adaptive and personalized technology-based learning

16:40 — 18:30
Reading room №4 TSU Research library
Evgeniya Kulik


Evgeniya Kulik, National Research University Higher School of Economics


Sergey Zamaraev, Nikita Yesipov, service analytics distance learning "Kursometer"

Data-based recommendations: a way to personalize learning

Diana Dammer, Svetlana Veledinskaya, Galina Mozhaeva, Tomsk State University

“Adaptive Mathematics”: Towards a Digital Tutor

Maxim Usov, company ENBISYS

System requirements for adaptive mathematics learning with the example of Plario

Ivan Aksenenko, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Big data within the task of learning personalizing

Vladimir Romanenko, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Application of xAPI standart in adaptive learning

Valentina Shamshovich, Association of educational organizations "Electronic Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan"

Forecasting and monitoring the success of learning by neural networks

Dmitry Balanev, Tomsk State University

Math teaching: environment and thinking

31 May



Artificial Intelligence technologies in the development of a platform for adaptive learning

11:00 — 11:30
Дмитрий Бубнов

Dmitry Bubnov, company ENBISYS

1. The concept of adaptive learning, its goals and benefits.

2. Limits of applicability of adaptive learning systems.

3. Measuring the effectiveness of the adaptive learning system.

4. Enbisys approach to creating an adaptive learning system by example

5. The creation of a domain model and graph competence.

6. The methodology of creating content for adaptive learning

7. The approach to the primary diagnosis of the student and the formation of a digital double of the student using genetic algorithms.

8. BKT (Bayesian Knowledge Tracing) as a basis for building an individual trajectory of student learning.

9. The functionality of adaptive learning

10. Features of integration with popular LMS (Learning Management Systems.)

11. Analytics, metrics, demonstration of the effectiveness of the system of adaptive learning

12. Development of scaling the system, expanding the functionality, increasing the number of subject areas, additional possibilities of machine learning in the personalization of education.

Brainstorming or discussion

Exam vs learning. How to teach math without an exam

12:00 — 13:00
German reading room, TSU Research library
Сергей Поздняков
Pozdnyakov Sergey, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"


Experience in creating an intelligent IT platform for professional self-determination of schoolchildren

12:00 — 12:30
Евгений Дубровин

Evgeny Dubrovin, “SMART Concept” Association

Sergey Chernyshov, Alexandra Budnik, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management

The regional platform for the profession self-determination of schoolchildren was created within the framework of the project “Future Professionals for the Digital Economy”, implemented by the “SMART Concept” Association and the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk Region with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Online pedagogy and online learning

30 May


Presentation of new online courses of Russian universities and online products for education

09:30 — 10:00
Big conference hall, TSU Research library


Presentation of a joint project roadmap Skyeng Online School and Tomsk State University "Modern educational environment for learning English at Tomsk State University"

14:00 — 15:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Александр Долгов


Victor Dyomin, TSU

Alexander Dolgov, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)

Violetta Usanova, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)

Evgeniya Tikhonova, Tomsk State University

The presenters will demonstrate the roadmap of the project of creation a modern educational environment for learning English at TSU using Skyeng technology solution - the digital educational platform (service) Skyeng.Workook. The project is designed to create an English-language scientific community of TSU, to promote the development of international programs, attract and adapt international students, increase the prestige of the university in Russian and international education.

Roundtable discussion

Online tutor or tutor online: tutor model in online training

14:00 — 15:30
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Татьяна Климова


Tatyana Klimova, Tomsk State University


Tatyana Kovaleva, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Interregional Tutor Association

Maxim Bulanov, Moscow City Pedagogical University, Higher School of Economics

Tatyana Klimova, Tomsk State University, Tomsk Regional Branch of MTA

Vadim Pak, Tomsk State University

Angelica Kim, Tomsk State University

Elena Stepanova, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Session of reports

Online pedagogy and online learning

14:00 — 16:00
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva

Moderator: Marina Vaindorf-Sysoeva, Moscow State Pedagogical University

Sonu Saini, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India)

A critical study of MOOC courses in the humanities on the portals of the government of India e-PG Pathshala and SWAYAM: results and expectations

Vorasuang Duangchinda, Sripatum University (Thailand)

Thai MOOC: A Current Status and Towards Sustainability as the National Digital Learning Platform

Marco Gilies, Goldsmiths, University of London

Launch of undergraduate MOOC: pedagogical innovations, learning technologies and student support

Polina Pekker, Lomonosov Moscow State University (online)

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of MOOC efficiency (by the example of the University of Berkeley)

Irina Bleskina, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Forecasting financial performance of courses on Coursera

Tatyana Pospelova, Moscow State University

Pros and cons of the online school accelerator program: ACCEL

Corporate learning. Importance of English for export-oriented industries

15:00 — 16:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Виолетта Усанова
Violetta Usanova, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)

Master class

Master class "Lectorium: new formats of online courses"

16:20 — 16:40
English reading room, TSU Research library
Anastasia Gribanovskaya

Anastasia Gribanovskaya, Lectorium

Director of the development of the educational project “Lectorium” Anastasia Gribanovskaya will tell about the transition from video courses to longreads, the mechanics of new launch formats on “Lectorium” and really open courses that do not require participants to be authorized

Case review

Technologies of teaching and learning English

16:30 — 17:30
German reading room, TSU Research library
Евгения Белоусова

Evgenia Belousova, Siberian State University of Water Transport

Game as a method of learning English

Julia Zharova, Siberian State University of Water Transport

Teaching students to present in English

Master class

Master class on creating courses on Stepik or Stepik Opportunities for teachers and universities

16:40 — 17:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Наталья Феофанова

Natalia Feofanova, Stepik

Natalia Feofanova, Director of Course Stepik, will tell you how to create a course on the Stepik platform, sort out the course types and show their differences, and demonstrate the main features of the platform. If you have already created courses, there will be an opportunity to ask questions connected with your examples.

Master Class

Master Class "Opportunities of the National Open Education Platform for University Networks Interaction"

17:00 — 17:20
English reading room, TSU Research library
Dmitry Yushin

Dmitry Yushin, National Open Education Platform

The master class will present the possibilities of the National Open Education Platform for working in the personal account of the university with students enrolled in online courses as part of the network interaction of the universities

Case review

Current issues of the development and use of online courses

17:20 — 18:40
English reading room, TSU Research library
Дарья Маслова


Daria Maslova, Tomsk state University


Nina Agapova, Tomsk state University

Mooc in the flipped classroom

Tatyana Gorbenko, Tomsk state University

Integration of online and blended learning

Eduard Pogorsky, Durham University,

Using a virtual assistant to improve self-regulation of online learners

Yana Pchelintseva, Tomsk state University

Promotion strategy of university’s MOOC and of the University through the MOOC

Daria Maslova, Tomsk state University

Organization of work with author teams within the development of online courses

Kristina Tanasenko, Tomsk state University

The system of support for students of online courses of TSU on the platform of open education: roles, functions, tools

31 May


Session of reports

Current issues of online learning: theory and practice

10:00 — 11:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Svetlana Kalmykova


Svetlana Kalmykova, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Anton Orlov, St. Petersburg State University

Online Course Development Process Management System

Lyudmila Klimovich, Surgut State University

Experience of integration of online courses into the educational process of SurSU

Tatyana Kasatkina, Victoria Dubrovskaya, Tomsk State University

Mechanisms for the inclusion of online courses into educational programs for the highest category professionals development

Lyubov Maksimenko, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics

Adaptation through online course: student guide of the Faculty of Distance Learning of TUSUR

Gulnara Krasnova, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Online Education Export Model

Project “Modern Digital Educational Environment in the Russian Federation”: high-quality and available online education

11:50 — 12:50
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Viktoria Dubrovskaya


Victoria Dubrovskaya, Tomsk State University


Andrey Lyamin, ITMO University

Opportunities of the "single window" resource: the functional of the portfolio of educational institution

Viola Larionova, Ural Federal University

Improving the organizational and financial model of using online courses in the educational activities of the university

Victoria Dubrovskaya, Tomsk State University

Regional centers of competence in the field of online learning: the results of 2017-2018 and development prospects

Svetlana Kalmykova, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great

Own and third-party online courses in SPbPU educational programs

Master Class

5 useful matrixes for the course developer

13:00 — 14:00
Reading room №3, TSU Research library
Elena Lokteva

Elena Lokteva, project “SkillPlus.Me”

At the master class we will consider 5 useful course development tools that will help:

- correctly choose the approach to the development of the course;

- manage the risks of developing and implementing the course;

- to balance the key factors of the project implementation course (time, budget, opportunities);

- to balance several different teaching methods within the course;

- to design effective control tasks.

The most active participant in the master class will be given a gift from the presenter! :)

Open dialogue: business and education

30 May


Master Class

8 questions: how to start a business in education?

17:00 — 18:00
Presentation room №3, TSU Research library
Natalia Serpionova

Natalia Serpionova, educational project “Point B”


- Key niches

- Educational project development models

- Where to look for ideas?

- I know everything, but I'm afraid to start!

- Start a business in education where: online or offline?

- How to form a project team?

31 May


Roundtable discussion

Open dialogue: business and education

11:30 — 13:00
Валерия Титова


Valeria Titova, Tomsk State University

The participants of round table will discuss 3 cases of project-based learning accelerators for students, created within the cooperation of educational institutions and business.

An hour workshop is also planned with an analysis of the main features and methods of developing an acceleration program for educational requests of the participants of the round table.

According to the results of the workshop, participants will learn about the main stages of the development of the acceleration program, learn how to choose educational methods for acceleration and get acquainted with effective ways to attract business partners to implement their programs.

Presentation of cases:

Valeria Titova, Tomsk State University

Agile Storm is an accelerator for project-based education of TSU students with the support of companies in the field of digital technologies.

Natalia Chistyakova, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Experience in implementing project training in the accelerator of the Digital Marketing program at TPU

Sergey Oshayev, TeamLab

TeamLab project competence accelerator: raising soft skills of IT teams

Workshop "How to make your own accelerator?"


Valeria Titova, Tomsk State University

What is an accelerator? What tasks can be solved with the help of an acceleration educational program?

Setting goals and objectives for your accelerator.

Development of the main stages of the acceleration program (according to the methodology of agile andscrum).

The choice of application of educational methods in acceleration (traction meetings, mentor meetings, meetings, retrospectives, hakaton, etc.).

The possibility of using digital solutions in the implementation of the accelerator.

Selection and involvement of business partners in the accelerator.

Summing up the training in the accelerator. Acceleration score for participants.

X - Y - Z - A: Generation Theory and Educational Technologies

31 May



X - Y - Z - A: Generation Theory and Educational Technologies

10:00 — 11:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Евгения Шамис


Evgeniya Shamis, CEO of “Shepra-S Pro”

Evgeniya Shamis, CEO of “Shepra-S Pro”

X-Y-Z: Generation Theory and Education

Razina Nigmatullina, University of Talents

The system of work with talanted children and youth

Anastasia Khaminova, Eleonora Simonova, Creative laboratory "Sly thing"

Generations Z: what to learn and how?

Nadezhda Zilberman, Tomsk State University

Responding to the challenges of generation Z: the experience of teaching in high school

Valeria Petrova, Tomsk State University

The generating effect of the educational environment of the university: professionalization of a specialist and educational technology

Reports & discussion


To man of the future: what to teach a child today with a view to make him or her happy and successful tomorrow

12:30 — 13:30
Natalia Serpionova

Natalia Serpionova, educational project “Point B”

How should be upbringing and education in the 21st century and how to prepare for the future?

Let's talk about 5 wrong parenting strategies or parenting mistakes that most impede the onset of the future.

Let's talk about 21st century skills and how and where to master them.

DH: education, technology, development

31 May


Panel discussion

DH: Education, technology, development

10:00 — 13:00
Small conference hall, TSU Research library
Марина Лаптева

Moderator: Marina Lapteva, Russian Association of Digital Humanities


Vitaly Maslov, Kant Baltic Federal University

The experience of integrating Master’s degree programs in digital humanities: history, philology and documentation

Oleslav Antamoshkin, Siberian Federal University

Analysis of the effectiveness of adaptive educational course in the e-learning system of the Siberian Federal University

Inna Kizhner, Siberian Federal University, Member of the Board of the European Association for Digital Humanities

The history and context of digital humanities in Russia

Nikita Pikov, Siberian Federal University

From the experience of organizing the practice of students of the direction "Applied Informatics in the Humanities and Art of the Siberian Federal University"

Irina Vladimirova, Siberian Federal University

Analysis of educational programs of foreign universities (DH in the educational process)

Guzalia Fazylzyanova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Visualization as a creative text understanding technology

Vyacheslav Zasedatel, Tomsk State University

Photogrammetry as one of the tools of interactive teaching methods

Daria Shabalina, Tomsk State University

Transformation of the modern museum and the place of VR technologies in the museum space

Sergey Alekseev, Tomsk State University

Reflection of users on the invisible interface

Ekaterina Medvedeva, Tomsk State University

Artificial neural networks in modern technological art: the problem of authorship

Yury Karyakin, Tomsk Polytechnic University

Ontogenetic thinking as the basis of harmonization of education in the coming digital world

Master Class

Visualization of educational text

13:00 — 13:30
English reading room, TSU Research library
Гузалия Фазылзянова

Guzalia Fazylzyanova, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Doctor of Culture, Professor

Introduction to the modern technology of learning visualization techniques: infographics, mind mapping, sketching, scrabbing, digital media.

Open lecture

Museums, digital data and the evolution of the cultural canon

14:00 — 14:45
318 room of Institute of Art and Culture Main building of TSU
Инна Кижнер

Inna Kizhner, Siberian Federal University, Member of the Board of the European Association for Digital Humanities

Museums are a rich source of visual data (images of museum objects) that can and should be analyzed with the help of special tools. Museums provide an opportunity to work with metadata (information about museum objects), which are useful for studying the evolution of culture, the classification of genres, the creation of models and the detection of unexpected patterns.

The lecture shows what underlies the expansion of the visual canon in modern conditions. We will see how the idea of ​​cultural heritage develops in terms of the publication of a large amount of visual data, and find out whether international aggregators (in particular, Google Arts and Culture) represent the canon of visual culture that we consider to be a textbook.

The core of the undergraduate degree TSU: a platform for educational innovation

30 May


Panel discussion

Bachelor’s Core: options for implementation in universities in Russia (cases of TSU, TPU, MISIS, UrFU)

14:00 — 15:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Иван Замощанский


Ivan Zamoschanski, Ural Federal University

One of the models of transformation of the educational process in higher education institutions, focused on a graduate who is maximally adapted to life in the modern changing world, thinking in an interdisciplinary paradigm over professional boundaries, is the model of Educational Core - the basic complex of disciplines that form a certain educational invariant of competencies, independently from professional specialization.

     The purpose of the panel discussion: to discuss models and approaches to the organization of the Educational Core in universities of the Russian Federation, to share the experience of introducing educational technologies in formation of universal bachelor competencies


Ivan Zamoschanski, Ph.D., associate professor, director of the Center for project training and maintenance of online courses at UrFU

Nadezhda Fedorova, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Individual Educational Paths of UT

Olga Eliseeva, Associate Professor, Head of the Educational Process Quality Department ITMO

Vladimir Guzyr, Ph.D., School of Basic Engineering Training TPU, Deputy Director for Development

Natalia Lukyanova, Dr., Professor, Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, TPU

Yulia Osachenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of the TSU, Scientific Supervisor of the “Educational Core of Undergraduate Studies at the TSU” project


Educational technologies in the formation of interdisciplinarity

15:30 — 16:10
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Дмитрий Коньков

Dmitry Konkov, Sergey Merkulov, Alexander Yushnikov, Tomsk State University

Educational technologies in the formation of interdisciplinarity



Educational technologies in the formation of critical and systems thinking. Training “To listen – to hear”

16:25 — 17:05
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Юлия Осаченко

Yulia Osachenko, Anastasia Gubaidullina, Eleonora Novikova, Tomsk State University

Educational technologies in the formation of critical and systems thinking. Training “To listen – to hear”


Philosophy through the Great Books: implementation technologies. Master class "Three modes of reading text"

17:20 — 18:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Елена Бахтиярова

Elena Bakhtiyarova, Tatiana Fanenstl, Tomsk State University

Philosophy through the Great Books: implementation technologies. Master class "Three modes of reading text"

31 May


Roundtable discussion

Student identity formation and key competencies generated in the Core: critical thinking and interdisciplinarity

09:00 — 11:00
Юлия Осаченко

Moderator: Yulia Osachenko, Tomsk State University


Taras Paschenko, National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
Teaching Critical Thinking through Research: HSE Experience

Ivan Zamoschanski, Ural Federal University
Critical Thinking: online course

Olga Eliseeva, ITMO University

Systems and critical thinking as educational results of training in the bachelor degree of ITMO University


Svetlana Veledinskaya, Tomsk State University

Educational technologies in the formation of interdisciplinary competencies: design specificity of the Core disciplines

Anastasia Gubaidullina, Tomsk State University

Interdisciplinarity as a terra incognita


Eleonora Novikova, Tomsk State University

The experience of the course implementation "Critical thinking and writing" in the Bachelor’s core of TSU

Dmitry Konkov, Tomsk State University

Identity of a TSU student – setting of a problem

Digital technologies in medical education

31 May


Satellite Symposium

Digital technology in medicine: best practices implementation

10:00 — 11:40
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Татьяна Калачева

Moderator: Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia,

Natalia Brazovskaya, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Analysis of information processes for the development and implementation of educational programs in the field of additional vocational education: directions of development

Olga Prirodova, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

New educational technologies in the framework of continuing education of specialists (Moscow)

Yulia Sidorova, Natalia Zakharova, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Medical Education, Novosibirsk State Medical University

Remote educational technologies as a means of optimization in the system of advanced learning

Sergey Chemezov, Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of the Russian Federation

Registration copyright on online resources. Why do we need it?

Dmitry Rossiev, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Psychological online testing in LMS KrasSMU

Elena Myagkova, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Development of information culture of future doctors through LMS KrasSMU

Yulia Milazhenko, Center for Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Experience in organizing online courses at the Omsk Center for the Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Sergey Karas, Research Institute of Cardiology, Tomsk NIMTS

Virtual patient as a tool for advanced training in cardiology

Discussion, answers to questions

Roundtable discussion

Digital technology in medicine: best practices implementation

12:00 — 13:30
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Андрей Ветлужский

Moderator: Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia


Tatyana Kalacheva, Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia,

Natalia Brazovskaya, Siberian State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Analysis of information processes for the development and implementation of educational programs in the field of additional vocational education: directions of development

Olga Prirodova, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

New educational technologies in the framework of continuing education of specialists (Moscow)

Yulia Sidorova, Natalia Zakharova, Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Medical Education, Novosibirsk State Medical University

Remote educational technologies as a means of optimization in the system of advanced learning

Sergey Chemezov, Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of the Russian Federation

Registration copyright on online resources. Why do we need it?

Dmitry Rossiev, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Psychological online testing in LMS KrasSMU

Elena Myagkova, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Development of information culture of future doctors through LMS KrasSMU

Yulia Milazhenko, Center for Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Experience in organizing online courses at the Omsk Center for the Advanced Training of Healthcare Workers

Sergey Karas, Research Institute of Cardiology, Tomsk NIMTS

Virtual patient as a tool for advanced training in cardiology

Discussion, answers to questions

Forsyth Session “New Technological Agenda in Education”

29 May


preliminary registration required

Foresight session "New technological agenda in education»

09:45 — 18:30
Big conference hall, TSU Research library
Марина Липецкая
The session is organized within the framework of foresight research in the field of education, the ultimate goal of which is to form a scientific and technological agenda in this sector in the context of existing trends and challenges. Foresight is carried out by the methodology of the Fund "CSR "North-West" Disruptive Foresight, which is based on the idea of collective decision-making and involves the formation of a scientific map (the scientific mainstream, mature science, breakthroughs and fantastic scientific theory) and the compilation of the timeline of the development of scientific and technological trends in the format of brainstorming. The event will be held with the involvement of high-level specialists with a deep understanding of the issues under study. The results of the expert discussion will be verified and supplemented with the help of science and bibliometric analysis, technological maps, content analysis and benchmarking. The study will result in a report on new educational technologies.
Session Leader: Marina S. Lipetskaya, Director of the Center for Strategic Research “North-West” Foundation

Pupil track

29 May



Pecha-Kucha «Feedback. Generation Z»

10:00 — 13:00
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy
Ангелина Белогубова


Belogubova Angelina, Master student of Digital Humanities

Nazarova Olga, Master student of Digital Humanities


Laboratory «Education for Future»

10:00 — 13:00
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Lika Chekalova


Lika Chekalova, Institute of Broadband Education (METAVERSITY)


Master class

Navigation of mobile robots

11:00 — 12:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Дмитрий Петров


Dmitry Petrov


Master class

Lighting in astronautics

12:00 — 13:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Виктор Стасевский


Viktor Stasevski


Master class

Model of the rocket or the first steps to astronautics

13:00 — 14:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Виктор Стасевский


Viktor Stasevski


Master class

How to change the DNA and properties of fruits (about genes and what they encode)

14:00 — 15:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Анна Гавенко


Anna Gavenko

Interactive session

Interactive lecture about professions of the future

14:00 — 15:00
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Наталья Арцемович

Artsemovich Natalya, Department for Innovative Activity of the Administration of Tomsk Region

At the lecture, students will learn about the development of technologies of the past, present and future, will receive an answer to the question of what competencies of specialists will be in demand in the future, get acquainted with the professions of the future and find out in which Tomsk universities they can get.

Master class

AR – easy!

15:00 — 16:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Максим Джимов


Maxim Dzimov


Master class

Along the way of an indie developer: create a 3D game for yourself and your friends!

16:00 — 17:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Максим Джимов


Maxim Dzimov


Master class

Crypto Class (cryptography: from ancient Rome to quantum computers)

17:00 — 18:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Никита Руденцов


Nikita Rudentsov

Master class

Awesome 2D platformer, or Mario Brothers rest!

17:00 — 18:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Станислав Дзядух


Stanislav Dzyaduh


Master class

2d game development using GameMaker Studio 2

18:00 — 19:00
Technology park for Children «Quantorium» Tomsk, Lenin avenue, 26
Никита Руденцов


Nikita Rudentsov

Student track

29 May


Art Session: presentation of students work and projects

«The Core» by students' eyes

10:00 — 13:00
Hall of Confucius Institute
Юлия Осаченко


Yulia Osachenko, Tomsk State University


Exhibition of projects – students’ projects of four faculties: Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Historical and Political Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Art and Culture, created by them in the process of mastering the discipline "Pictures of the World" in the first and second semesters of the current academic year. The modern world, its opportunities, problems and challenges, its features and achievements - through the eyes of students of the Bachelor’s Core


Pecha-Kucha «Feedback. Generation Z»

10:00 — 13:00
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy
Ангелина Белогубова


Belogubova Angelina, Master student of Digital Humanities

Nazarova Olga, Master student of Digital Humanities


Laboratory «Education for Future»

10:00 — 13:00
Presentation room № 7, TSU Research library
Lika Chekalova


Lika Chekalova, Institute of Broadband Education (METAVERSITY)



Moderators School of TSU

14:00 — 17:00
English reading room, TSU Research library
Юлия Осаченко


Yulia Osachenko, Tomsk State University   

A game-training aimed at developing critical thinking and media literacy skills “In the Mirror of Interpretations” (presentation of educational technologies and methods for developing critical thinking)

Project session

Faculty is in search for its applicants in social networks

14:00 — 17:00
Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy
Artem Feshchenko


Artem Feshchenko, Tomsk State University

Angelina Belogubova, Tomsk State University   


The purpose of the session is to design decisions how to form targeted applicants for TSU faculties from high school students, to combine non-standard approaches to vocational guidance, preparation for academic culture and education, immersion in the research context

School teacher track

29 May


Key arrangements

Teacher Resources in the Digital Age

10:00 — 11:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Elena Sukhanova


Elena Sukhanova, Tomsk State University



Anastasia Khaminova, Eleonora Simonova, Creative laboratory "Sly thing"

Freedom and system in the formation and assessment of skills of the 21st century


Oksana Pityukova, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology

Formation of research skills of students in history lessons through working with concepts


To play, you can’t learn: offline and online technology in teaching

11:00 — 11:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Анастасия Екушевская

Anastasia Ekushevskaya, Head of Kids Lab

1. Modern children. What are they interested in and how to train them?

2. Digital literacy as one of the main skills in the future

3. Gadgets with benefits: instructions of use

Master class

Social networks, games and YouTube: how to ensure involvement for generations Y and Z

11:30 — 12:30
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Дарья Гриц

Daria Greiz, Skyeng


Expert laboratory

Transition to digital school

13:30 — 15:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Coworking space TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Elena Sukhanova


Elena Sukhanova, Tomsk State University

Nadezhda Lyzhina, Regional Center for Educational Development

Presentation of the best practices of resource & implementation centers for innovation at Regional Center for Education Development within federal program “Digital School” of the national project "Education"


Pedagogical design lesson in blended learning

13:30 — 15:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Максим Буланов

Leader: Maxim Bulanov, RAY Academy Moscow, Interregional Tutor Association


Interactive meeting

Development of language competencies of English teachers in general education organizations using distance learning technologies

15:00 — 15:45
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Виолетта Усанова

Violetta Usanova, Svetlana Pavshintseva, Language Innovations Ltd. (Skyeng)

Modern technologies in teaching English at school

Master class

How to become more attractive than a smartphone? Existing life hacks for those who compete with the phone for the attention of the student.

16:00 — 17:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Иона Гусаченко

Jonah Gusachenko, SmartyKids

The master class will be useful to anyone who asks others to put down their phones and listen to her or him. Inhibitions don't work. But methodical and psychological techniques, which will be discussed in the master class, work. We will work out 5 existing life hacks and discuss how to be a teacher who is never boring. Playing in communication and engaging, you will look at your classes differently, and the students themselves will put the gadgets on the edge of the table. Catch the attention now!

Master Class

3D modeling and prototyping in training, project activities and in preparation for competitions

16:00 — 17:00
Children's Technological park “Kvantorium”
Тамара Костюченко
Tamara Kostyuchenko, Kvantorium Children's Technological park

Study and discussion

"Futures Literacy in Education". How to apply the approach of future-based education

16:00 — 18:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Lecture room Lecture room TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY
Lika Chekalova


Lika Chekalova, Institute of Broadband Education (IHIPO)

Maxim Bulanov, RAY Academy Moscow, Inter-regional Tutor Association

Training seminar

Challenges and models of integration of online resources in multi-level programs of additional education of children in the context of STI and the hobby clubs

17:00 — 18:00
Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education Coworking space TSU RESEARCH LIBRARYТГУ
Людмила Ларина

Lyudmila Larina, Children's Technology Park "Kvantorium"

Are you a teacher, methodologist or manager of additional educational programs for children? Interested in methodical practices of the hobby clubs? Do you want to learn how to design multi-level programs to prepare schoolchildren for the STI competition? Do you need specific recommendations on the type and mechanism of integration of online resources into children's educational content? Welcome to the methodical site!

29 May


Closed session, confirmed participants only


29 мая — 31 мая

Lecture room of Institute of Distance Learning


Registration of participants


Activities according to the program of the School


Coffee break


Activities according to the program of the School




Activities according to the program of the School


Coffee break


Activities according to the program of the School

30 May 2019

TSU Research Library


Activities according to the program of the Conference

31 May 2019

Closed session, confirmed participants only

Lecture room of Institute of Distance Learning


Activities according to the program of the School




Activities according to the program of the School


Excursions around the university


Final plenary session. Closing of EdCrunch Tomsk 2019

Locations of the conference activities



Place and address


Location of the room in the campus

Научная библиотека ТГУ

(пр. Ленина, 34а)

Big Conference hall

Old building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

Small Conference hall

Old building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Professor's Reading Room

Old building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

Presentation room № 3

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

Presentation room № 7

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 2 floor

German reading Room

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 3 floor

English reading Room

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 3 floor

Negotiations hall of the Department of social and youth policy

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 3 floor

Study room №1

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, the ground floor

Study room №2

Modern building TSU TSU main building


Coworking space

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 4 floor

The hall of Institute of Confucius

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, coworking space

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Scientific and educational center Institute of innovation in education, lecture room

Modern building TSU RESEARCH LIBRARY, 1 floor

Main building of TSU

(пр. Ленина, 36)

Room 209

TSU main building

Central entrance,

2 floor

Assembly Hall (227 room, 2 floor, main building of TSU)

TSU main building

2 floor (the main ladder)

Conference hall (229   room, 2 floor, main building of TSU)

The left wing of the main building, 2 floor

Учебный корпус № 2 ТГУ

(пр. Ленина, 36)


2 floor, правое крыло, Институт дистанционного образования

Computer class №2 INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ( room 4)
Computer class №1 INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE LEARNING ( room 7)
Room 415

4 floor

Room 318

3 floor, Institute of Art and Culture

Room 129

1 floor

Study building №31 ТSU – Institute of economics and management

(Naberezhnaya reki Ushayki st., 12)

Room 210

2 floor

Main building of TPU

(av. Lenina, 30)

Room ?

The central entrance

Shopping center «Royal»

(av. Lenina, 26)

Kvantorium - children technological park

The central entrance,

3 floor

Shopping center «Royal»

(av. Lenina, 26)

Boiling point (Tochka kipenia) – coworking space

The right wing of the building,

2 floor



Hackathon «Gaming technologies in Education

29 мая — 31 мая
Room 415 (2nd building, TSU)
Дмитрий Иванов

The hackathon participants will create prototypes of educational and business computer games for the tasks of the client companies. Prototypes of computer games will be developed for Tomsk State University, “Sberbank” and Private Institution of Further Vocational Education «GAZPROM’s Training Simulator Computer Center».

Organizers: Studio of educational games "Game Initiative"

29 May


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Registration of participants


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Group work

30 May


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Group work

31 May


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Group work


Room 415 Institute of Distance Learning (4th floor, 2nd building of TSU)

Presentation of the results to customers


Big Conference Hall of the TSU Research Library (1st floor – the Old Bulding TSU Research Library)

Presentation of the results at the closing of the conference

Dmitry Ivanov, the founder of the educational games studio "Game Initiative"

30 May


Round table

Project-educational intensives on the model of the University 20.35. Subtotal

14:00 — 17:00
Room 209, TSU main building
Vasily Tretyakov

Vasily Tretyakov, General Director of ANO University STI

Within the roundtable discussion a model of the educational process of the University 20.35 will be presented. The model is based on the project activities and the implementation of individual educational trajectories, which consist of face-to-face and online activities. This should provide the emergence of the necessary knowledge and skills for the implementation of the project. At this moment, in the Russian Federation 13 intensives, based on the model, are taking place. The methodical bases of the offered model will be considered in details and the digital services developed for administration and methodical support of similar educational programs will be presented. At the second part of the roundtable discussion, representatives of partner universities will share their experience in organizing and conducting intensives on this model. In their reports, they will talk about the first victories and describe the key barriers that they had to overcome.      


Vitaly Genarov, University “20.35”

Polina Sibina, Omsk State Technical University

Marina Medvedeva, Derzhavin Tambov State University

Ekaterina Tselikova, Cherepovets State University

Sergey Nemtsev, National Research Belgorod State University

Egor Rudometkin, Product Manager, University 2035

Olga Skryabina, Coordinator of the Intensive "Leap into the Future", Kostroma State University

Vladimir Belenko, coordinator of the intensive "Special Forces Engineering", National Research Belgorod State University